Why Should I have an App?

We know you have likely seen many people talking about Mobile Apps right now, and trying to sell you something. We know, because we have received those same emails too. It’s like an Apps Gold Rush.

And for good reason…

  • There were 5.9 Billion subscribers on mobile devices (that’s 87 percent of population) in 2011. And that doesn’t include smart devices such as Tablets or iPads.
  • 103.3 percent of the USA population are mobile subscribers (shouldn’t you be talking to them??)
  • Within five years mobile overtakes the PC as the most popular way to get on the Web (your website). Our App does exactly that for you, so you’ll be ahead of the game – for once.

This all boils down to…

You need to BE SEEN, HEARD and get a presence NOW on Mobile & Smart Devices.

But here’s the difference, when you break it down, what other promoters are selling you is the exact SAME App, some to you directly, some for you to re-sell. We think that’s fine, but is the mobile equivalent of slapping up a website. Let’s be honest, it does not market you, bring you leads, or help you make ANY money (except offering to build other people ‘websites’).

But what we’re describing and what we’ve created is a Mobile App that helps YOU sell more product, sends you traffic to your websites, builds rapport with NEW leads, up-sells your products, filters and targets your best clients and GROWS your database – all while earning revenue instantly. And people can buy with a quick touch of a finger on their smartphone or iPad – without pulling out a credit card. Isn’t that cool! Imagine how must faster people will buy your product.

An App that can make you INSTANT cash, plus builds rapport, plus positions you as an EXPERT in your topic to MILLIONS of Mobile users AND up-sells your product that’s the APP that is the brain child of a Mobile Expert like Scott Paton and a Marketing Strategist like Stefanie Hartman!

So instead of just spending precious money making an App for the sake of an App – the truth is, it’s a waste of money unless you make relevant Apps custom designed to attract your best target market, and show off your expertise, create trust with the consumer immediately and promotes you, and sells your products and services.

Which App would you rather put in front of millions of potential new customers? No comparison.

An App that markets for you and solves problems for your customers? Proves you know your stuff AND gives your customer INSTANT gratification OR just a bland look at me APP?

There is simply no comparison.

Here’s just some of what our App will do for you:

  1. Shows your personality, creates a connection, builds a RELATIONSHIP with your buyer. Vital for any sales to women, but something that always sets you apart from others.
  2. Makes you money instantly (as people pay to download the app).
  3. Sends you traffic to any website or website(s) you choose.
  4. Allows you to capture email, name and phone number from these leads.
  5. Creates an interactive experience for your customer, with no pressure sales people.
  6. Sells your book, product, service or online program right off the App.
  7. Allows you to process sales orders off their device.
  8. Allows you to display your expertise in front of the customer.
  9. Works with keywords in your Niche.
  10. Filters the Millions of subscribers and attracts the ‘Perfect Customer’ for you.
  11. Provides targeted, convenient, ease of use information to your customer.
  12. Gets you marketed all over the WORLD, at no extra cost.

And unlike pay-per-click or adds – you pay nothing per click or subscriber. There are no hidden costs.


Did you know — > More than 1.2 Billion apps were downloaded on to mobile phones and tablet devices during Christmas week, according to a new study, marking this the first time that more than a billion app downloads have been recorded in a single week.

Your App should have been one of them!

We want you to corner your own market.

If you can get in front of many, many people in an easy inexpensive way, gather leads and contact info from potential clients, display your knowledge to hundreds of thousands of people (or millions) your sales would improve right? Volume is important. But what is even better would be CUSTOMIZED TARGETED VOLUME, meaning not just getting in front of anyone, but getting in front of your best niched customers. High paying, perfect customers for your products & services – not random people.

The result = high sales conversion, leads paying to be your leads (which is so cool and opposite of you paying for them) and a way to market inexpensively but highly effectively while you are sleeping.

A Get it Done For You Marketing App that sends you highly targeted leads & immediate revenue for you TODAY and on-going for LIFE!

We have your back…and this is going to be fun.

To See our Webinar Presentation Click here