About Us

Stefanie Hartman, Product Line Developer & Marketing Strategist, teamed up with Scott Patton, Mobile Tech Expert, to design an original, one of a kind marketing App for Smart Phones & Devices that does these 3 things:

  1. Brings in Leads for you
  2. Creates Instant Revenue
  3. Up-Sells Programs (for even greater profits).

What happened was, Scott and I are good friends and we got together one night just to see IF on a whim we could actually create an APP that does those 3 objectives. We just had to see if we could create technology to do that.

Well not only did we succeeded in our little experiment but our little App actually does 12 things for your business including traffic building, relationship building, positions you as the TOP expert in your field, that we didn’t foresee until it was built.

You see, we looked around and we see everyone catching on that they need to be SEEN through smartphone users, but no-one has solved how to do it in a cool way that gets thier attention and gives instant gratification to NEW CLIENTS for you – UNTIL US , UNTIL NOW.

I want to put you in front of 5.9 Billion subscribers next month. That’s 86% of the population!

For more on Stefanie go here: www.StefanieHartman.com

For more on Scott go here: www.AskScottPaton.com